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Oct 27, 2022

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Benoit Cotte

Use without using the mouse with hotkeys


Long before the now ubiquitous ⌘ + K, we want to interact naturally with web apps, hence, hotkeys.


You will find the main hotkeys in the sidebar.

Picture of the author

Here is a list of actions you can do in vero directly from the keyboard

On a mac

  • ⌘ + long press: record a message
  • space: toggle play pause on the selected message
  • return (or) enter: validate a pending message
  • esc: cancel a pending message
  • delete: remove the selected message
  • tab (or) arrows: select next message
  • ⌘ + \: open sidebar
  • On a windows

  • replace with ctrl
  • Showtime

    In the example below, I open the sidebar, toggle play on the first message, goes to the second and toggle play on the second — using the keyboard.

    Picture of the author